Celebrity Bulldog Names
Many people love using celebrity names for their bulldog. Much like celebrities, bulldogs are admired, approached and photographed while out in public. Something about them just draws attention.

Names for male bulldogs:
McLovin – consider naming your bulldog McLovin. One reader submitted McNaughty, which mixes it up a bit.
Buckwheat – a bulldog name that needs no selling.
Spanky – another Little Rascals bulldog name. Other names include Alfalfa and Stymie.

Bogart – after classic actor Humphrey Bogart.
Bo and Luke – suitable for a pair of male bulldogs.
Kobe – for Laker fans.
Shaq – why is naming a bulldog Shaq so incredibly funny?
Ozzy – after Ozzy Osbourne. Your bulldog will be so heavy only the devil can lift him.
Stewie or Cartman

Names for female bulldogs:
Angelina– after Angelina Jolie.
Leia – from Princess Leia.
Bo – Bo Derek
Farrah – tribute to Farrah Faucett.
Beyonce – top ten bulldog name.
Snooki – old but still funny.

Bianca – from Bianca Jagger, the old supermodel. Howard Stern’s bulldog was named Bianca.
Shanaynay – from the old “In Living Color” sketches. Can also be spelled Shanene or Shanaenae.
Next, funny ‘average Joe’ type of names…